



RCH Ile de France Gallery

Some of the rams used in RCH Ile de France Stud

RC 09 271 -

RC 09 271

RC 10 060 -

RC 10 060

RC 10 060 - My big love, I honor him on my logo

RC 10 060

My big love, I honor him on my logo

RC 10 133 -

RC 10 133

WDS08 036 -

WDS08 036

RC 09 271 -

RC 09 271

RC 10 060 and RC 09 271 -

RC 10 060 and RC 09 271

RC 10 133 -

RC 10 133

MEB 10 057 -

MEB 10 057

MEB11 044 -

MEB11 044

RC13 057 -

RC13 057

                   “Like father, like son”

RC 13 028 - Son of RC 10 060

RC 13 028

Son of RC 10 060

RC 13 028 -

RC 13 028

RC 13 102 -

RC 13 102

RC 14 274 - Son of CAT 86 019 - bigger type 160kg

RC 14 274

Son of CAT 86 019 – bigger type 160kg

JC 14 006 - National Reserve Junior Champion 2015
First on the Top List for Rams

JC 14 006

National Reserve Junior Champion 2015 First on the Top List for Rams

RC 15 305 -

RC 15 305

RC 15 447 - 1st on SA Studbook's Toplist for proven sires 2021
1st on the ALFA Moneymaker list for proven rams 2021
Grand Champion Royal and Standerton show as well as reserve Supreme Interbreed Champion 2019

RC 15 447

1st on SA Studbook’s Toplist for proven sires 2021 1st on the ALFA Moneymaker list for proven rams 2021 Grand Champion Royal and Standerton show as well as reserve Supreme Interbreed Champion 2019

RC 19 059 -

RC 19 059

RC 19 388 -

RC 19 388

RC19 394 - One of RCH's top rams on the ALFA BKB performance list for young rams 2021

RC19 394

One of RCH’s top rams on the ALFA BKB performance list for young rams 2021


RCH Ile de France Ewes





 - Typical characteristic of the Ile de France is their upright ears

Typical characteristic of the Ile de France is their upright ears


Meisie ooie -

Grand Champion Ewe Standerton Show 2018 -

Grand Champion Ewe Standerton Show 2018


 - Ewe lamb on 5 months fathered by RC 13 028

Ewe lambs at 5 months fathered by RC 13 028

- Ooilam op 5 maande verwek deur RC 13 028

Ooilammers op 5 maande verwek deur RC 13 028


RC14 162 - ALFA Money maker ewe 2019 - sold to Ovis IDF @R20 000

RC14 162

ALFA Money maker ewe 2019 – sold to Ovis IDF @R20 000

RCH Ile de France Lambs












Lambs at 100 days -

Lambs at 100 days

RCH Ile de France Skoue en Veilings

Cullinan Veiling 2010 - Hoogste prys vir 'n ram op hierdie veiling - gekoop deur Flip de Bruyn Klerksdorp - R20 000

Cullinan veiling 2010

Hoogste prys vir ‘n ram op hierdie veiling – gekoop deur Flip de Bruyn Klerksdorp – R20 000

Hartland Show Middelburg -

Hartland Show Middelburg

Standerton Show 2012 - RC12 0042 - This ewe at 7 months win her groupclasses, is appointed as Junior Champion and Grand Champion of the show

Standerton Show 2012

RC12 0042 – This ewe at 7 months win her groupclasses, is appointed as Junior Champion and Grand Champion of the show

Hartland Middelburg Auction - Highest price for an ewe on this auction

Hartland Middelburg Auction

Highest price for an ewe on this auction

Standerton skou 2014 - RC 13 028 Jnr Kampioen Ram asook Reserwe Groot Kampioen Ram

Standerton Skou 2014

RC 13 028 Jnr Kampioen Ram asook Reserwe Groot Kampioen Ram

Royal Skou 2015 - Interraswenners – groep van 2 ramme oor 15 maande

Royal Skou 2015

Interraswenners – groep van 2 ramme oor 15 maande

Royal Skou 2015 - Interbreed winners - Group of 2 rams over 15 months

Royal Skou 2015

Interbreed winners – Group of 2 rams over 15 months

National Championships  -

National Championships

Nasionale Kampioenskappe -

Nasionale Kampioenskappe

Royal Skou

Standerton skou 2015 - Hoogste prys op veiling vir ooie en ramme: Heel links ooi RC 14007 verkoop vir R7500, 2de ooi van links RC 14111 verkoop vir R8500. Ramme RC 13058 en RC 13095 is albei vir R16000 elk verkoop.

Standerton skou 2015

Hoogste prys op veiling vir ooie en ramme: Heel links ooi RC 14007 verkoop vir R7500, 2de ooi van links RC 14111 verkoop vir R8500. Ramme RC 13058 en RC 13095 is albei vir R16000 elk verkoop.

Royal Show 2016 -

Royal Show 2016


Standerton-skou 2017 - RC 15 447

Standerton Show 2017

RC 15 447


RC 17 052 - Highest price for a ram on Bloemfontein Auction 2019 - bought by Wilgerstroom Bdy - GJ du Plessis from Potchefstroom

RC 17 052

Highest price for a ram on Bloemfontein Auction 2019 – bought by Wilgerstroom Bdy – GJ du Plessis from Potchefstroom


RC15 447 - Grand Champion Royal show as well as Standerton Show 2019

RC15 447

Grand Champion Royal show as well as Standerton Show 2019

RC14 209 - Grand Champion Ewe Royal Show as well as Standerton Show 2019

RC14 209

Grand Champion Ewe Royal Show as well as Standerton Show 2019

RC15 447 - Reserve Supreme Champion Ram on Show

RC15 447

Reserve Supreme Champion Ram on Show